Our remote work experience student, Chloe Ashton, takes a look at how a regular blog can help a business to grow. 
Blogging has become a widely popular technique for businesses to create relevant content about their products or services which will drive online traffic to their websites and social media accounts. This helps the business develop relationships with customers as writing relevant blogs will create a connection with the target audience and provide a better customer experience. It will also lead to increased sales. 
However, the importance to a professionally written blog is key to promoting your business and providing more online visibility, making it a great marketing tool. A marketing study found that 55% of individuals viewing a business’ blog were encouraged to buy their products if their blog was fascinating and consistent. Therefore, the more up-to-date the blog, the more the customer will want to read and get involved with new products, this builds brand awareness for the businesses products and reputation, and also boosts sales. The power of blogging! 
However, keeping an up-to-date blog may seem time-consuming, good job Sobananapenguin offer multiple types of copywriting, including blogs, what a coincidence! So, if you want professional, clear, and engaging content which is specific to your business and will drive in customers, then give sobananapenguin a shout
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